Archive for 2008Page 2

A Great Day of Birding

Yesterday afternoon was amazing for birding in the Arb! We had excellent looks at several uncommon species, and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Here’s a list of what we found: American Crow American Goldfinch American Robin Bald Eagle Barn Swallow Black-capped Chickadee Brown Thrasher Brown-headed Cowbird Chipping Sparrow Common Grackle Cooper’s Hawk (heard calling briefly) […]

Happy Arbor Day

“He that plants trees loves others beside himself” – unknown It is important to remember the value trees hold in our world. Arbor Day reminds us to look around and appreciated trees and nature that surround our homes. They offer so many special gifts to us as inhabitants of the Earth. Thank a tree today, […]

BPLP Earth Day Event in the Linnaeus Arboretum

Last night, the Big Partner Little Partner Program (Community Service Office) hosted an educational Earth Day event in the Linnaeus Arboretum. This was a cooperative effort that focused on small ways to “save the planet” and “connect with nature”. The event was a huge success and lots of fun for the St. Peter youth that […]

Trees for Heart, Mind, and Spirit Begins Today

Today is the kick-off of our Arbor Week activities in the Linnaeus Arboretum.  Come enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery.  Lunch is available for purchase, so all should join us for a brief visit.  The schedule for the next three days is as follows: Wednesday, April 23rd 11:30 – “Yoga in the Arboretum” – Kari […]

Birding in the Linnaeus Arboretum

What a beautiful afternoon it was for birding! Migration is definitely well underway, as we found several species now passing through the Arb. Here’s a list of what we saw today: American Crow American Goldfinch (nearly in full yellow summer plumage!) American Robin Black-capped Chickadee Brown Creeper Brown Thrasher (at least two within earshot of […]

A Titanic Ruby Thursday

Walking toward the greenhouse door this morning down a hallway redolent of dead mice, I suspected that great things were to come. My entry into the greenhouse was greeted by a glorious wave of abominable stench. Inside at the time were Emily (our greenhouse manager), a guest, and Ruby, all three in a state of […]

Perry the Titan and Cousin Konjac Beckon

[Update, August 2,2010 (rather late…sorry) – Cousin Konjac has long since been renamed Ruby.] Perry, our largest plant of Amorphophallus titanum, has now exceeded our 2.4 meter measuring stick in height. We’ll probably move a ladder into the room soon so as to be able to use a tape measure for gathering data points. The […]

Titan Tops Two Meters, Calls for Admirers

Perry, our largest plant of Amorphophallus titanum, continues to grow her/his awe-inspiring leaf at a remarkable rate. The leaf had topped two meters by about 4:30 Sunday afternoon (April 13), up from 191 cm at about the same time on Saturday. The leaf base is now approximately 6.5 inches in diameter at ground level. That’s […]

Tiny Titan Trasfixes Thousands

Bob the Tiny Titan opened his/her inflorescence at the Majorie McNeely (aka Como) Conservatory in St. Paul over April 9-10. Thousands visited and were astounded. Many also dipped into the visceral depths of olfactory challenge presented by Bob. I made a trip to Como on Thursday afternoon (April 10), as did Philip (who was also […]

Twin Titans Twofer – Leaf and Inflorescence

Perry’s leaf began to emerge from the shoot yesterday. Stay tuned for rapid development. I’m at a chemistry meeting out of town right now, so personally missed the emergence, but Nick, who has been keeping tabs on the shoot during my absence, took some excellent photos. The leaf should eventually be titanic. Click here to […]