‘Arb Sightings’ CategoryPage 8

Arb Sightings 9/24/10

It’s rough being a meteorologist in Minnesota. Granted, no meteorologist anywhere in the world has a 100% track record of predicting what the weather is going to do. There is simply too much data extrapolation, probability, and just plain guesswork involved to ever be consistently accurate over a long period of time, at least with […]

Arb Sightings 9/17/10

This week of cool temperatures has brought more rain to southern Minnesota. In fact, on late Wednesday afternoon 9/15, over 1.5 inches of rain fell in St. Peter in just a few hours. This downpour would have been impressive enough by itself, but the highlight for most of us came during several minutes of hail […]

Arb Sightings 9/10/10

Just a few weeks ago we were stuck in a rut of sweltering 90-degree heat. This week, high temperatures have struggled to reach the 70’s, and lows on some days have dropped all the way down to the mid-40’s. These cool fronts have brought more rain into southern Minnesota, including 0.89 inches yesterday here in […]

Arb Sightings 9/2/10

September certainly begins cooler than August, but not  drier. Indeed, the cold front that arrived a few days ago has already brought well over an inch and a half of rain to south-central Minnesota, including about an inch of precipitation late yesterday and early this morning. We might stay dry from now until mid-week of […]

Arb Sightings 8/26/10

Lower humidity levels and temperatures in the high 70’s and low 80’s have been much appreciated this week. A windy warm-up is forecast for this weekend with highs approaching 90 degrees Fahrenheit,  but thereafter high temperatures should remain in the mid- to upper 70’s and lows should be in the mid- to upper 50’s. Around […]

Arb Sightings 8/18/10

These mid-August days in the 70’s have felt quite refreshing to southern Minnesotans as we return to outdoor activities in comfortable temperatures. Humidity levels however are still rather high, and over the weekend St. Peter received another inch of rain via a couple thunderstorms. According to the next ten days’ forecast, we’re in for another […]

Arb Sightings 8/11/04

At last, the end to these unbearably hot and humid days is near. Another day above 90 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow should give way to cooler temperatures arriving on Friday and Saturday, and by Sunday our highs should once again be in the comfortable 70’s. While we could use some more precipitation, we’ll have to be […]

Arb Sightings 8/5/10

A few days of heat indexes well over 100 degrees Fahrenheit have finally given way to cooler temperatures in the high 70’s and low 80’s as promised, and today’s temperate breeze comes as a great relief as a cold front moves through the Upper Midwest. The transition from hot to cool occurred very quickly yesterday […]

Arb Sightings 7/28/10

An amazing 3.19 inches of rain have fallen here in the Linnaeus Arboretum since last Thursday 7/22. High temperatures coupled with high humidity levels have again pushed the heat index past 100 degrees Fahrenheit on several recent days, creating conditions for severe storms as both warmer and cooler fronts pushed through the state. Luckily for […]

Arb Sightings 7/21/10

Another week of hot temperatures has brought only a hint of storms to southern Minnesota and little to no rainfall. Humidity levels have dropped somewhat since last week, so the heat indexes haven’t been unbearable. This pattern will probably continue through next week, with temperatures forecast to be in the low to mid-80’s and chances […]