Archive for July, 2011

Arb Sightings 7/27/11

High temperatures in the 80’s with lower humidity levels have amounted to a week of rather comfortable weather for those of us in southern Minnesota. A couple early mornings of rain (today and last Saturday) amounted to a cumulative total of just under an inch of rain here in St. Peter, but otherwise there has […]

Arb Sightings 7/20/11

Anyone who has stepped outside in the past three days in southern Minnesota knows how intensely uncomfortable the heat indexes (heat + humidity, what it actually feels like to us) have been, although some might not realize that they are historically uncomfortable as well; yesterday, many of us in the southern half of the state […]

Arb Sightings 7/13/11

A stormy and rainy start to the week (dropping near one inch of rain in St. Peter) has given way to a midweek cool down, as today high temperatures are comfortably in the 70’s accompanied by relatively low humidity levels here in southern Minnesota. But all this is about to change as a warm front […]

Arb Sightings 7/8/11

June turned out to be quite the unsettled month. A few days of sunshine were often followed by a streak of stormy/rainy weather, with severe thunderstorms appearing throughout the entire state on several occasions. Heavy rainfall occurred around the middle of June in southern Minnesota, with around ten inches (most of which reached the Minnesota […]

Titanic One-Eyed Organism Opens Eye

Perry the Corpse Flower, Amorphophallus titanum, has survived his/her seed production cycle, and is growing again.  As of today, July 5, 2011, the shoot is about two inches high.  We expect this growth to be a leaf, and its unfurling should be a fascinating event. Click here for the final blog post of the last […]