Titan Arum measurement – April 11, 2007 Posted on April 13th, 2007 by

Alex - hand & titanum 041107Alex & stick & titanum 041107 Here’s the latest large-scale measurement – the shoot has grown in height and circumference; Alex remains constant. I’ll also post a close-up.

See the Titan Arum webcam for a live look at the plant. The image is renewed at five-minute intervals.



  1. secret admirer (Lindsay) says:

    Who is that good looking guy?

  2. Dr. Kenneth Noisewater says:

    He is my bff… We go way back. Great kid he knows his stuff about this huge plant.

  3. James Westfall says:

    Dear “secret admierer (Lindsay)” The model in which you are seeking has what is known as The [The Moderator stepped in at this point…perhaps the comment will be fully restored after further evolution of the blog…] T****** P******. .
    -Peace out,
    The Octagon

  4. Who? Not bao. says:

    Who is that protonated tosyl group next to the titanum??
    [Note from the Moderator: It is not nice to pretend to be the Moderator. The Moderator knows all.]

  5. Not The Moderator says:

    CONGRATULATIONS to everyone involved and admiring viewers! The Amorphophallus has begun to display a pleated interior! We are currently planning to make t-shirts for selected/cool individuals that have the spike extending from the front base of the t-shirt to the chest. The words may be “Check out the Titanic Phallus” or some alternative version. On another note pictures with the Gustavus model may now be available for a minimal cost.