Children of the Corm Posted on May 18th, 2007 by

We collected pollen from Perry today. Thanks to colleagues at the Botanical Garden of Bonn and the Huntington Botanical Garden for advice on this. The pollen will be stored at -80 C in gelatin capsules over powdered milk as a desiccant, awaiting mating with another Titan Arum.

The photos linked through the thumbnail images in this message provide insight into the general mood associated with the participants in this process. Scalpels and a plastic spoon await, Emily P. displays a Perry spathe fragment, the spongy nature of the fragment is shown, and pollen is collected and stored.


a_chunk_of_perrys_spathe-300.jpgHere are some links for Perry:

live streaming video with audio

three webcams (distant, top-down, and close) and Titan Arum web page

Amorphophallus titanum T-shirts



  1. Emily Pelton says:

    Okay. “Children of the corm”??? I am completely awed (and perhaps frightened) by that selection. Fitting.

  2. Brian says:

    Hi Emily – yes, I’m not quite sure how the title dawned on me, but…

    For those who might be mystified at this point, see:

  3. […] of Amorphophiles anywhere in the world (or at least in southern Minnesota…). The other Emily was there earlier, and Alex was there in spirit, adding to the re-creation on a smaller scale of […]